Anyways, I thought it would be fun to put my Birthday/Christmas list on my blog. So without further adieu, here it is (in no particular order):
- 6 lb. Bag of Gummy Bears (≈ $6.00 at Sams Club)
I. Love. Gummy bears.
- 6 lb. Bag of Gummy Bears (≈ $6.00 at Sams Club)
I. Love. Gummy bears.
This little kit allow you to make your own music box with whatever song you want. I know the perfect song... :)
As close to the real thing as you can get (and the real thing has yet to reach this galaxy). These are so cool! For real. (p.s. I want the Darth Vader one...)
This is a 7x7 Rubik's cube. I have wanted one of these ever since I first knew of their existence. I looks like a beast but give me a half hour and I'll see what I can do.
Rubik's cube + touch-screen technology = the Rubik's TouchCube. Each square is it's own touch-screen. You slide your fingers across the layer that you want to turn and it turns. Pure genius.
The Shock Ball shoots out random electrical shocks (obviously). It is ideal for a fun game of hot potato. If you hold onto it for too long, you will suffer the consequences.
Makes really big sparks. Sparks make fire. I like fire. Need I say more?
This thing is a beast. It is battery-powered, fully automatic, and it doesn't jam as much as similar guns. It comes with 18-dart magazines and practically enough darts to supply an army.