
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Camp Woodside 2010 Blobbing Video

Here is a highlight video of the best blobs from Camp Woodside this past year. I'm in there twice getting blobbed. The first time I was only double-blobbed (only two people blobbed me) and don't get me wrong I still went pretty high. The second time (at the very end of the video) I was triple-blobbed and this was the highest that I have ever been blobbed. It was so crazy. All I could say was "WOAH!!!". It's crazy when you're that high up in the air and you look down at the water. It's a bizarre feeling when you're sitting on the end of the blob and you know that there are three huge men who are about to jump off of a platform onto a huge pillow of air launching you into the air who knows how high. I get an adrenaline rush kind of like when I'm on an intense roller coaster. Bottom line: I LOVE THE BLOB!!!!!

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